Chicken in a Fried Onion Sauce (Murghi rasedar) Review
- I used 2.1 pounds of boneless, skinless chicken breast fillets. The recipe called for 2.5 pounds of skinless chicken parts; it's not clear if the recipe wanted bones or not. I figured 2.1 pounds was close enough that it wouldn't matter much either way.
- As the recipe didn't specify which type, I chose to use red onions.
- I forgot the cilantro/parsley garnish.
- Peeling tomatoes is easy using the technique described on p. 30: drop tomatoes in boiling water for 15 seconds, rinse with cold water until cool, and peel by hand.
- Frying onions takes a while.
- When adding the paste, it didn't splatter or sizzle as the recipe suggested it would. Maybe I should've fried the paste at a higher heat? I fried it at medium, as the recipe directed.
- The paste was supposed to brown within four minutes. I waited close to ten without any significant color change, then continued on with the recipe.
- By accident, I simmered the mixture uncovered.
- The last simmering stage said to simmer "for 7-8 minutes or until the sauce reduces and thickens." I was hungry so after eight minutes, although the sauce was thin, I ate. I simmered more later and the sauce properly reduced.
frying pureed onions
finished dish, in pan